TFL Colour Trends Autumn-Winter 2020-21

Welcome to TFL’s new Colour Trend Catalogue for the season Autumn-Winter 2020-21. In this brochure we present the colour trends for leather garment, footwear, accessories and upholstery.


The new world is moving at a staggering pace and new fashion, which is one of its many languages,stands comfortably behind all of this, trying to interpret the desire of new generations to get rid ofeverything that’s old and to clear the way for the new.

The key players of the future will want leather to be “all over us”, so much so that in the future we canimagine that calfskin shoes and lambskin clothing will be used like a film, moulded to the body; see forexample, the new helmet-shaped headphones that help us experience new virtual realities.

The digital revolution has invaded every aspect of life and starting from the catwalks, fashion istargeting new generations of “glamourous digital natives”, eternal vagabonds in extremely glossysneakers, pulling brightly coloured suitcases, always connected to the net, always health-consciousand eco-trendy.

The fashion industry has immediately caught onto the sustainability trend, adopting terms such asethics, circular economy and biodiversity, and translating them into new collections made with naturalor biodegradable materials, that have quickly sold out online and/or in store. More


Italian luxury, handmade, romanticism 3.0, immersed in greenery: these are the four sources ofinspiration that guided us in narrating the new TFL 2020-21 winter collection.

The first theme introduces the most flourishing Living sector, in other words, furnishing accessories,cushions, coffee services, vases, which have helped us discover a new “verve” for vegetable-tannedleathers in neutral colours and pastel shades. Used as finishing materials alongside other fabrics or else,taking centre stage for large trays, lamp bases and stools, including crocodile print versions.

For the handmade theme, we took a journey through the culture of native Americans, rediscoveringand reassessing the use of split calfskin and goatskin suede, in shades of sunburnt yellow, braided byhand, with real reptile skin or cow print leathers that look worn and used.

Our third theme is the very essence of 1950s elegance, in which' bon ton' was the key trend, rich inprecious detail and shades of pearly sugared almonds. This romantic mood can be found on all paddedsurfaces with sofas upholstered in soft nubuck, dusted with talc-touch waxes, polished nappa leathercabinets with pearl reflexes, like romantic pre-Raphaelite paintings, and side tables in plissé-effectbrushed calfskin that frame the edges of seating or screens, that define spaces interspersed withmirror-effect panels.

By being immersed in greenery we mean a living space or work environment that has been designedlike a botanical garden where light, transparency, greenery and weightlessness are key. In this openspace context, the air sculpts items, and materials favour the use of the finest lambskin and calfskinnappa leather for innovative industrial design items; macro-pouffes in soft printed deerskin or kidskinnappa leather, combined with printed pony-skin and suede split patchwork rugs and polished greenvegetable-tanned calfskin seating, hand-buffed with oily reflexes.More