TFL back at the ACLE 2023
TFL is happy to announce its participation to the ACLE 2023 after three years. The event is the first post pandemic edition after many cancellations throughout the last years. It is the first time TFL will be exhibiting at the ACLE after the combination of TFL and Lanxess OLC business in 2021.
Appreciated by many customers, TFL will be presenting a special collection of premium leather articles - all made with great chemicals and excellent advice. TFL will not only present garment, accessories and shoe articles, in the colors forecasted for the Autumn-Winter 2024/25 season, but also introduce its latest technical innovations. In addition, visitors will also be able to see how well these fashion colours can be integrated into leather car interior.
Along with this collection of leather articles, visitors will discover how TFL stands for fashion meeting sustainability and for performances achieved while respecting environmental regulations.
The TFL PURE TEC, a complete range of bio-based low impact chemicals for leather, and our newly developed range of low Bisphenol Syntans will be starring aside and inside the exclusive shoe upper and leather goods collection displayed at ACLE 2023.
You can explore the TFL effect that makes your customers smile Hall E2-E03 from August 29th to August 31st.