Some of the data collected by this provider is for the purposes of personalization and measuring advertising effectiveness.
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Some of the data collected by this provider is for the purposes of personalization and measuring advertising effectiveness.
Some of the data collected by this provider is for the purposes of personalization and measuring advertising effectiveness.
TFL informs customers in the EU that chemical substances due for REACH registration by May 31st 2018 have been successfully registered.
TFL would like to inform its customers in the EU that all chemical substances due for REACH registration by May 31st 2018 have been successfully registered with the European Chemical Agency (ECHA).
TFL also confirms that all European TFL Safety Data Sheets that have been created after June 1st 2007 comply with the REACH requirements.
Customers in the EU who decide to import chemicals from TFL legal units outside the EU have to request confirmation from their supplier that these products comply with the REACH requirements.
If non-EU customers are exporting chemicals to the EU, they should already be well aware of the REACH Regulation. They should ensure that the EU REACH registration requirements are fulfilled by their supplier, their own legal agent in the EU (Only Representative) or by the EU importer.
Non-EU customers selling leather to the EU need to do nothing as long as their leather does not contain substances which are restricted by the REACH regulation or considered as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) at a level of 0.1% or higher in the consumer good. It should be noted that sometimes brands and manufacturers require that only REACH registered substances are used to make the leather. This of course is not a REACH obligation but it is rather an individual interpretation of the REACH Regulation.