Ultra low to zero BPS/BPF syntans

Addressing the very latest regulatory challenges

The Background

TFL is a leading global manufacturer and supplier of high quality syntans that are recognized worldwide under the famous brand names of SELLATAN® and TANIGAN®.

To maintain this lead TFL continually invest in pioneering research, development and extensive application support to keep you at the cutting edge of the very latest technological advances. The restriction draft of ECHA on Bisphenol A and other bisphenols of similar concern (BoSC) foresaw for leather a limit of 500 mg/kg BPS/BPF by 2025 and reducing further this limit to 10 mg/ kg by 2030, has changed. The Federal Office for Chemicals (BfC), the German authority for REACH, has decided to temporarily withdraw the dossier without further information and it is not yet clear whether the conditions will remain the same. However, based on all facts that ECHA have published in this context, there is currently no reason to believe that conditions for the leather application will significantly improve.

It is also important to note that Brands are independently implementing their own restrictions (RSL’s) not only in advance of any legislation, but the values can also be harsher, forcing the tanneries to comply with the low bisphenol limit in the leather supplied. TFL, as a global leader in chemicals for leather production, had immediately started to develop products to address this new challenge once it became public.

Building on the leading SELLATAN® and TANIGAN® syntans global success, TFL launches the next generation of ultra-low or zero BPS/BPF syntans, now unified under the single brand name TANIGAN®. By working together with these new TFL syntans you will be ahead of any current or expected legislative restrictions. These next generation products represent an indispensable new range of genuine replacement syntans that allows the production of leather below detection level (<10 ppm of bisphenols for the leather).

Please keep in mind that the vast majority of TFL’s comprehensive wetend retanning product portfolio is completely free of BPS and BPF under the following well-known trade names: RETINGAN®, MAGNOPAL®, LEVOTAN®, BLANCOROL®, TANNESCO®, DRYWALK®, LEUKOTAN®, LUBRITAN®, SELLASOL® and of course together with all TFLfatliquors and dyestuff ranges etc.

The Properties

Dried product versions will become available shortly. Key: 1 = low, 5 = high, n.d. = NON-detectable

The key properties of fullness, softness and tightness at a glance

The Product Introduction


Universal replacement syntan for a wide range of applications with well-balanced properties including good fullness and tightness together with dispersing effect

  • ultra-low residual monomer content, including free formaldehyde and BPS / BPF (not detectable)
  • treated leather has a good degree of whiteness, light fastness and heat yellowing resistance


The ideal replacement syntan for very soft and round leather with a high degree of filling and excellent tanning effect

  • FREE of BPS / BPF
  • ideal for milled leather


The ideal replacement syntan for soft and tight leather, equally suitable for white and due to high colour yield also dyed leather with brilliant shades.

  • ultra-low residual monomer content, including free formaldehyde and BPS / BPF (not detectable)
  • It's tanning power makes it extremely suitable for pretanning, tanning and retanning of wet white and retanning wet blue
  • very good light fastness and good heat yellowing resistance


The ideal replacement syntan for firm, compact and tight leather articles

  • ultra-low residual monomer content, including free formaldehyde and BPS / BPF (not detectable)
  • 49 % bio-content
  • highly suitable for retanning waterproof articles e.g., military or “American lifestyle” type


The ideal replacement syntan for milled leather types combining a high degree of tightness and softness

  • ultra-low residual monomer content, including free formaldehyde and BPS / BPF (not detectable)
  • 24 % bio-content
  • good fastness to light and heat yellowing resistance thus recommended for automotive articles


The ideal replacement syntan with high tanning power for wet white and/or strong retanning effect

  • ultra-low residual monomer content, including free formaldehyde and BPS / BPF (not detectable)
  • good whiteness, suitable for white and pastel coloured leather
  • very good light fastness and good heat yellowing resistance properties


The ideal syntan to be used in vegetable tanning and retanning

  • ultra-low residual monomer content, including free formaldehyde and BPS / BPF (not detectable)
  • very good fullness and tightness making it highly recommended for quality vegetable tanned articles
  • equally suitable to retanning wet blue leather especially when using vegetable tannins


Syntan with pronounced dispersing properties applied in combination with other syntans and vegetable tannins

  • very low residual monomer content, including free formaldehyde and BPS / BPF (<0.01 %)
  • treated leather is firm, with a fine tight grain due to low astringency, with full round handle

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TFL USA Canada, Inc.

Bill Clippinger
Phone: +1 281 292 0433
Mobile: +1 336 259 4533

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525 Woodland Square BlvdSuite 250
77384 Conroe
United States
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TFL USA/Canada Inc.

Phone: +1 281 292 04 33
Fax: +1 281 785-2574

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525 Woodland Square Blvd Suite 250
77384 Conroe
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