The use of sulfides has always been the preferred way of unhairing in leather making despite problematic side effects such as bad odour, possible toxic gas release and safety issues in storage & handling.
Alternatives to replace sulfide have failed so far. In case of proteolytic enzymes it is the lack of selectiveness and in case of oxidative techniques the control of swelling and hide opening up which are still posing a challenge.
TFL believes leather is a unique product and our mission therefore is to develop products which help tanners making leathers of highest possible quality in a most ecological way.
We proudly introduce the new unhairing system with the soaking products PELLVIT® LSG and PELTEC® X-ZYME® SLR combined with the new liming products PELTEC® X-ZYME® UP and ERHAVIT® PC. The products, which work in a synergistic way, substantially reduce the environmental impact of the unhairing process along with the possibility of producing leather with a maximum useable area and quality.
PELLVIT® LSG and PELTEC® X-ZYME® SLR are innovative enzyme based soaking agents that effectively perform the soaking of all kinds of hides and skins without having a negative effect on the integrity of bellies and flanks. At the same time the products improve the access of sulfide to the hair root in such a way that a low sulfide Hair Save unhairing process (as well as Hair Burn process) can be applied without hair-root and fine-hair problems. These properties are the base for proper unhairing with significantly reduced sulfide and lime offer.
PELTEC® X-ZYME® UP is a unique enzymatic unhairing and liming auxiliary. It is the ideal partner for PELLVIT® LSG and PELTEC® X-ZYME® SLR to optimally support the unhairing effect of sulfide. The product weakens the epidermis and the pre-keratin of the hair-root selectively thus supporting fine-hair removal and cleanliness, particularly in a Hair Save process. Opening-up of the hide-structure as well as the breakdown of proteoglycans and glycoproteins are promoted by the novel enzyme, ensuring a proper lay-out. Due to the selective character of PELTEC® X-ZYME® UP, grain, bellies and flanks are well ’protected’.
ERHAVIT® PC regulates swelling during the liming process, resulting in relaxed hides with reduced growth marks and belly draw. Swelling is very uniform throughout the hide, even in the flank areas. Due to its unique composition, ERHAVIT® PC increases the lime solubility in the float and helps the lime chemicals to penetrate. This results in a more uniform "opening" of the fibre structure. ERHAVIT® PC is fully biodegradable in wastewater treatment plants and is free of any nitrogen compounds.
Bill Clippinger
Phone: +1 281 292 0433
Mobile: +1 336 259 4533
525 Woodland Square BlvdSuite 250
77384 Conroe
United States
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Phone: +1 281 292 04 33
Fax: +1 281 785-2574
525 Woodland Square Blvd Suite 250
77384 Conroe
United States
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